
Travel Blog

Winding Down the Year

Posted by Tom Casey Tom Casey on 10/28/16 2:53 PM
Ready or not, fall is here, and win­ter is right around the cor­ner. The end of the golf sea­son in many parts of the coun­try is near. This is the time of year that many con­ver­sa­tions in pro shops and 19thholes turn to next year.
If next year is the year for that trip to Ire­land or Scot­land, you need to move beyond the talk­ing stage fairly soon. Many of the more famous and pop­u­lar courses opened up their books for next sum­mer a month or two ago. If your group is going to include more than 8 golfers, you prob­a­bly want to have non-refundable deposits in hand and tee times booked by Decem­ber 1st. After 121 there will still be plenty of tee times avail­able for next sum­mer but not many good times at the top courses, espe­cially if you plan to travel in August. 
If you are will­ing to be flex­i­ble, a group of 8 might still be able to book times in Jan­u­ary or Feb­ru­ary for August but you might only have a 7:30 AM or 3:30 PM time to choose from on the day that you want to play a spe­cific course. A group of 4 can prob­a­bly wait until March and still get decent times at the A-list courses. The bot­tom line is that the big­ger the group, the sooner you should be final­iz­ing your plans.
When to go to Ire­land or Scot­land? The dri­est months are April through July. The warmest months are June through Sep­tem­ber with July and August show­ing an aver­age high tem­per­a­ture of about 70degrees in Ire­land. The drop off in June and Sep­tem­ber is only about 2 – 3 degrees. Aver­age high tem­per­a­tures in May or Octo­ber are still a com­fort­able 60 degrees with aver­age lows of 45 – 50 degrees.
Weather in Scot­land fol­lows sim­i­lar sea­sonal pat­terns. In gen­eral how­ever you can take 2 – 3 degrees off of any of the esti­mates in the pre­vi­ous para­graph and it is another 2 – 3 degrees cooler if you are in the High­lands. In Ayr­shire or the St. Andrews Regions you will also see a lit­tle less rain than in Ire­land. So a lit­tle cooler and a lit­tle drier.

Topics: Golf

Tom Casey

Written by Tom Casey

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